繡系 Embroidery - 轉印貼紙 Transfer Sticker

NT$ 150.00

海外訂單一律依照訂單實際重量計算運費,可提供 郵寄/EMS/FedEx/SF Express 等寄送方式,請私訊我們取得海外運費報價。 International shipping fee is calculated by weight and size of the package. For all overseas orders, we have Normal Delivery/EMS/FedEx/SF Express for you. Please contact us for further information and estimated additional shipping fee - 規格 - 尺寸:每張10 cm x 15 cm 材質:塑膠 備註:剪下選定圖樣,均勻施力刮貼,撕掉透明護片,不含其他拍照用品 數量:3款各1張入 - Specifications - Size:10 cm x 15 cm Material:Polyethylene terephthalate Quantity:3 pcs per pack * The product does not include the decorative items shown in the photos. * The product does not come with other camera supplies. * Please allow for some variation in color as displayed on different devices and screens. * Actual colors may vary, no returning nor exchanging. * No refunds due to color differences because of display devices or printing differenc ↓↓↓同圖案的其他產品 / Same pattern but different products ↓↓↓  ( 圖案大小在不同產品上也有不同大小噢! ) * The pattern size is different if it is on different product
5cm 亮面PET膠帶 Clear ( Glossy ) PET Masking Tape - 華繡 Nanduti

5cm 亮面PET膠帶 Clear ( Glossy ) PET Masking Tape - 緹繡 Lace Instructions for use of transfer stickers: Transfer stickers include the top layer ( transparent sheet ), middle layer ( transfer pattern ), and bottom layer ( release paper ). 1. Cut out the pattern to be transferred. 2. Remove the lower layer of release paper from the bottom of the pattern. 3. Place on the position for transfer ( a smooth flat surface is optimal ). 4. Use coins, sticks, bottle caps or nails, etc... hard items. 5. Apply repeated pressure to all areas of the pattern on the upper transparent sheet. 6. Finally, remove the upper transparent sheet and the pattern will be transferred to the surface of the object due to pressure. 51514434593_40d75b2c07_b 這套刺繡風的轉印貼紙, This set of embroidery transfer stickers includes 51514915234_0b40f93aaf_b 一張粉藍色調, colors like powder blue, 51515130700_1c4c1a7dff_b 一張粉紅色調, pink, 51514202581_c228f4814c_b 還有一張白色調, 都是出自我們家小幫手阿利的設計, 再由我設計排版做成轉印貼紙, and white, all designed by our little helper Ri, and laid out by me into a transfer sticker set 51514202241_48c7d49404_b 51513401637_740884e03d_b 圓圓的造型非常適合搭配拼貼, 而且轉印貼紙的服貼感非常棒, 推薦給大家。 Its round shape is very suitable for collage stacking and is fit for use as transfer stickers. I highly recommend it to everyone! 想知道我們近期動態,歡迎到: To find out about our latest products, please follow us at:
Facebook:樂意Loidesign / Instagram:Loi_design / Youtube:樂意Loidesign - 商品都會包上包裝紙, 如果有較薄的產品,底下會加上一層厚紙板, 接著綑上泡棉,最後再用郵局袋或牛皮紙袋包裝, 每個步驟都是手工包裝,所以比較耗時, 如果有需要加速出貨時間,請來訊唷~ 以上實品顏色與尺寸或許與網頁標示有些許差距,可接受者再下標喔~ 樂意設計、臺灣製造 This product comes gift wrapped, making it perfect for presents. Please allow for some variation in color as displayed on different devices and screens. Actual colors may vary. Our designers have a day-job. We will respond to messages as quickly as we can. Thank you for your patience. Our shop does not operate on weekends. All messages sent on weekends will be answered on Monday. Design by Loi, Made in Taiwan