咲繡 Flower Crochet - 5cm 亮面PET膠帶 Clear ( Glossy ) PET Masking Tape

NT$ 405.00

海外訂單一律依照訂單實際重量計算運費,可提供 郵寄/EMS/FedEx/SF Express 等寄送方式,請私訊我們取得海外運費報價。

International shipping fee is calculated by weight and size of the package.
For all overseas orders, we have Normal Delivery/EMS/FedEx/SF Express for you.
Please contact us for further information and estimated additional shipping fee.

- 規格 -
膠帶尺寸:寬5 cm,長10 m,循環90cm
包裝尺寸:4.9 x 4.9 x 5 cm

- Specifications -
Masking Tape Size:5 cm x 10 m, loop / cycle 90 cm
Package Size:4.9 x 4.9 x 5 cm
Material:Polyethylene terephthalate
Quantity:1 roll per pack
* The product does not include the decorative items shown in the photos.
* The product does not come with other camera supplies.
* Please allow for some variation in color as displayed on different devices and screens.
* Actual colors may vary, no returning nor exchanging.
* No refunds due to color differences because of display devices or printing differences.

( 以上照片有些來自阿啾,請至Instagram搜尋: chiu_chiu_chiu69 )
( Some of these are 
Chiu's works, you can find her at Instagram : chiu_chiu_chiu69 )

轉眼間繡系列也到了第四彈! 這次的主題是鉤針編織的植物, 雖然以前有做過類似的東西但用那麼細的線做還是第一次! 有一種回到緹繡製作的既視感呢, 不同的是, 植物需要用立體構造來思考。 當然這些東西還沒辦法跟真正的微鉤相比, 但做起來的確還是有一定的難度。 咲繡的植物型態大多都是類似切花的感覺, 歡迎大家嘗試使用插花的方式來拼貼。 在做樣品的時候也試著做了花束的拼貼, 效果很不錯! —阿利 —Ri 咲=ㄒㄧㄠˋ 是日語開花的意思, 最近學日語很喜歡的句子:庭には花が咲きました = 庭院裡的花開了 小幫手阿利千辛萬苦做完稿件, 不知道該取什麼名字, 真是很巧我立刻獻上學習成果! 阿利是我們家最資深同事, 凡事我們家產品有個繡字的, 都是她的作品, 她目前為止都堅持要手作, 再翻拍成圖像、去背景、排版, 變成膠帶後就是每人都能手作, 真的非常好看! —槿 —Jin

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Facebook:樂意Loidesign / Instagram:Loi_design / Youtube:樂意Loidesign



This product comes gift wrapped, making it perfect for presents.
Please allow for some variation in color as displayed on different devices and screens. Actual colors may vary.
Our designers have a day-job. We will respond to messages as quickly as we can. Thank you for your patience.
Our shop does not operate on weekends. All messages sent on weekends will be answered on Monday.

Design by Loi, Made in Taiwan