日野 - 向日葵 Sunflower - 5cm 亮面PET膠帶 Clear ( Glossy ) PET Masking Tape

NT$ 405.00

海外訂單一律依照訂單實際重量計算運費,可提供 郵寄/EMS/FedEx/SF Express 等寄送方式,請私訊我們取得海外運費報價。

International shipping fee is calculated by weight and size of the package.
For all overseas orders, we have Normal Delivery/EMS/FedEx/SF Express for you.
Please contact us for further information and estimated additional shipping fee.

- 規格 -
膠帶尺寸:寬5 cm,長10 m,循環90cm
包裝尺寸:4.9 x 4.9 x 5 cm

- Specifications -
Masking Tape Size:5 cm x 10 m, loop / cycle 90 cm
Package Size:4.9 x 4.9 x 5 cm
Material:Polyethylene terephthalate
Quantity:1 roll per pack
* The product does not include the decorative items shown in the photos.
* The product does not come with other camera supplies.
* Please allow for some variation in color as displayed on different devices and screens.
* Actual colors may vary, no returning nor exchanging.
* No refunds due to color differences because of display devices or printing differences.


( 以上照片有些來自阿啾,請至Instagram搜尋: chiu_chiu_chiu69 )
( Some of these are 
Chiu's works, you can find her at Instagram : chiu_chiu_chiu69 )

↓↓↓同圖案的其他產品 / Same pattern but different products ↓↓↓
( 圖案大小在不同產品上也有不同大小噢! )
* The pattern size is different if it is on different product

轉印貼紙 Transfer Sticker - 向日葵 Sunflower

2022年的10月, 帶著才4個月大的Lula少女回花蓮, 給爹娘和姑姑舅媽叔伯們看看她, 當時花蓮鄉下的有不少稻田收割了, 正在種堆肥植物, 剛好就碰上了向日葵田, 我爸說:「因為你喜歡花,所以我想摘給你畫。」, 於是他徒手採了一大把, 這真是擊中要害的浪漫! 立刻決定要畫向日葵! 高中時, 爸爸常常捎上一朵玫瑰, 讓我帶去學校, 空堂時我在筆記本空白處素描花朵, 這樣子的潛移默化, 讓我特別愛畫花, 這些回憶如點點星光般美好, 非常幸福呀~ —槿

To find out about our latest products, please follow us at:
Facebook:樂意Loidesign / Instagram:Loi_design / Youtube:樂意Loidesign



This product comes gift wrapped, making it perfect for presents.
Please allow for some variation in color as displayed on different devices and screens. Actual colors may vary.
Our designers have a day-job. We will respond to messages as quickly as we can. Thank you for your patience.
Our shop does not operate on weekends. All messages sent on weekends will be answered on Monday.

Design by Loi, Made in Taiwan