翦花 Begonia - 5cm 紙膠帶 Washi Tape ( Paper Tape )
海外訂單一律依照訂單實際重量計算運費,可提供 郵寄/EMS/FedEx/SF Express 等寄送方式,請私訊我們取得海外運費報價。 International shipping fee is calculated by weight and size of the package. For all overseas orders, we have Normal Delivery/EMS/FedEx/SF Express for you. Please contact us for further information and estimated additional shipping fee. - 規格 - 膠帶尺寸:寬5 cm,長10 m,循環90cm 包裝尺寸:4.9 x 4.9 x 5 cm 材質:自己印紙膠帶承印,日本和紙,自帶離型紙,UV特油印刷 備註:不含其他拍照用品 數量:1捲入 - Specifications - Masking Tape Size:5 cm x 10 m, loop / cycle 90 cm Package Size:4.9 x 4.9 x 5 cm Material:Japanese paper ( Washi Tape / Paper Tape ) Quantity:1 roll per pack * The product does not include the decorative items shown in the photos. * The product does not come with other camera supplies. * Please allow for some variation in color as displayed on different devices and screens. * Actual colors may vary, no returning nor exchanging. * No refunds due to color differences because of display devices or printing differences. ↓↓↓同圖案的其他產品 / Same pattern but different products ↓↓↓ ( 圖案大小在不同產品上也有不同大小噢! ) * The pattern size is different if it is on different product 轉印貼紙 Transfer Sticker - 花色集 - 候春 Spring ↓↓↓更多的翦花 / More Begonia ↓↓↓ 5cm 霧面PET膠帶 Matte PET Masking Tape - 翦花 Begonia 塵花裡也有幾朵圓圓的花, 當時只是想要點綴一下, 沒想到看到大家的拼貼, 整個迸發新滋味! Begonia was sidekick of Touming, now become the main role. 就來款圓圓的透明花吧! Let's play with these round beauties. 雖然有了想法, 可是還缺了一些元素, 就想起去年和王同學去東京的神代植物園, 裡面有個好大的溫室, 有好多好多沒看過的海棠花, 大朵的比人臉大, 纖細透明, 又充滿水份的花瓣, 真是非常適合作透明花主題! Last year, we were in Jindaiji garden Tokyo. There was a huge green house with many varieties of begonia, delicate and fine which brings us this set of patterns. 於是又花了很多時間揣摩, 還好在花園拍了非常多照片, 所以可以大致都了解花瓣走向 We took lot of times to figure out how petals extend and took lot of pictures 從粉色到黃橘, 再從天藍到粉紫, 希望讓大家搭配出夢幻感覺~ From pink to yellow, from sky blue to violet. Hope you can enjoy this colorful fantasy. 想知道我們近期動態,歡迎到: To find out about our latest products, please follow us at: Facebook:樂意Loidesign / Instagram:Loi_design / Youtube:樂意Loidesign - 商品都會包上包裝紙, 如果有較薄的產品,底下會加上一層厚紙板, 接著綑上泡棉,最後再用郵局袋或牛皮紙袋包裝, 每個步驟都是手工包裝,所以比較耗時, 如果有需要加速出貨時間,請來訊唷~ 以上實品顏色與尺寸或許與網頁標示有些許差距,可接受者再下標喔~ 樂意設計、臺灣製造 This product comes gift wrapped, making it perfect for presents. Please allow for some variation in color as displayed on different devices and screens. Actual colors may vary. Our designers have a day-job. We will respond to messages as quickly as we can. Thank you for your patience. Our shop does not operate on weekends. All messages sent on weekends will be answered on Monday. Design by Loi, Made in Taiwan